Inuja Pradhan

Consultant Support Officer

I joined IOD PARC as a Researcher and Business Development Officer in June 2023, as a part of Nepal and South Asia (NaSA) portfolio team. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and a Master’s degree in Development Studies from Kathmandu University. My academic studies and experiences from various field placements, internships, and volunteering during my student life, have equipped me with various skills and knowledge; such as research tools and techniques, proposal writing, interpersonal communications, networking, teamwork, problem solving, and so forth. I hold a deep interest in advocating for social issues and policies.

I have proudly represented Nepal in Global Youth Camp, which was held in Norway in 2019. I also had an opportunity to observe and work in the development field of South Africa. Previously, I have worked with different NGOs and INGOs in the fields of research, women empowerment, education, advocacy campaigns, policy and communications.